Sunday, March 9, 2025 12:45:01 AM

Recurring error

8 years ago
#3507 Quote

I'm having some issues with Secure Lockdown - Internet Explorer Ed. at work as the program continues to give the same error: “De bewerking is geannuleerd vanwege op uw system geldende beperkingen” wich roughly translates to: The thing you are tryin’ to do is not permitted by limitations set to this computer. This happends when I try to redirect to a different page (on IE) by clicking a link on the current page. I have been trying to figure out wich option in the configuration tabs makes the error occur but without success (tried a lot). I was hoping maybe I’d be able to get some insight from the developer of the program. I am trying to set up a kiosk environment that lets the user browse the company website but nothing else.

Many thanks in advance.
8 years ago
#3508 Quote
What is the redirect link? If it needs to download a file, or there is an Open Dialog. You'll need to disable the IE Lockdown > General > No Downloads and No Open Dialog options. You may need to disable the No New Windows option as well.
8 years ago
#3509 Quote
Unfortunately the suggestions given didn't solve the problem. (Those options were allready unchecked)
Is it possible to ask more specific questions with examples via a private conversation? As I don't want to display certain company info to the public.

Thanks again :)
8 years ago
#3510 Quote
You can email directly with more details.