Sunday, March 9, 2025 1:07:18 AM

Auto play audio file in background upon kiosk interaction

8 years ago
#3511 Quote
Hello, in addition to the primary software application running on the windows 10 kiosk I need the software to play an audio file anytime the kiosk is interacted with. This 15 second windows media file will greet the customers and instruct them on the kiosk operation. It will need to repeat upon interaction of the kiosk ever 5 minuets.

Currently I achieved this through windows task scheduler and to activate every time the screen restored from sleep and set the kiosk to turn the screen off after a few minuets. once running the kiosk software, the windows task scheduler will not run in the background, is their a way to make this happen?

Ideally I would like the audio file to play once in 5 minute increments when the scren is first touched and not to repeat it self for 5 min. Then repeat the process again, I dont want the screen to turn off.

8 years ago
#3514 Quote
So, the Windows Task Scheduler is not running the task? It's likely that the Task Scheduler is working, however it may not be able to launch the program due to permission issues. Try adjusting the Task to "Run with highest privileges" Also, enable and check the History of the task and see what it reports.
8 years ago
#3517 Quote
It works, but the kiosk prevents the screen from turning off which means the task wont run as its set to run when the screen comes back on. is their a way to change the task to run when the screen is touched?
8 years ago
#3519 Quote
When you mention "the kiosk" are you referring to Secure Lockdown?
8 years ago
#3520 Quote
8 years ago
#3521 Quote
If you disable the System Lockdown > Local Level > No Desktop option, the screensaver / sleep functionality should work.
8 years ago
#3522 Quote
OK, i'll test this afternoon.
8 years ago
#3523 Quote
OK, I nearly got everything working, the only remaining issue is when the screensaver comes on their is a message saying that their are no files in the folder. Yet it works fine when not lock down.

I have local drive unchecked and it doesn't seem to change the outcome and display the screensaver image.

Also in order for this to work I had to upgrade to windows 10 pro from home edition the get access to group policy editor, this cause issues with the inteset license and its no longer active.
8 years ago
#3524 Quote
Please request a license reactivation by emailing with your order number.
8 years ago
#3525 Quote
OK, how do I fix the screensave image not showing up?