Saturday, March 8, 2025 9:30:44 PM

Ctrl-E key combination allowing Bing searches

8 years ago
#3584 Quote
Hi.  Having a bit of a problem with a kiosk machine that is allowing users to escape from the company webpage by hitting Ctrl-E.  The combination brings up a Bing search which allows you to type and then does a Bing search that brings up clickable links.

How do I disable this?

I'm running IE 11 on Windows 8 with build 2.00.049 of Inteset Secure Lockdown v2 - Internet Explorer Edition.

I've clicked every box there is in IE options and it doesn't block that key combination.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.
8 years ago
#3585 Quote
Please download and install the latest release of Secure Lockdown - Internet Explorer Edition.
8 years ago
#3586 Quote
Thank you.  We're mostly back up.  Doesn't function quite like before (new tabs instead of new windows, etc.), but we've got it mostly configured like it was before.