Friday, July 26, 2024 11:50:50 PM

Internet Explorer - Right Click

12 years ago
#258 Quote
Windows 7 Professional

Users have figured out you can right click on a picture and set it as a background picture (wallpaper). Can this be disabled?

Either disable the right click feature in IE or disable all backgrounds (wallpaper)?

I read the when Shell Mode is checked wallpaper is disabled. If i log in with no wallpaper, right click on a graphic in IE i can set it as wallpaper and it shows up immediately.

also if i change group policy of the local computer to not allow desktop wallpaper or right clicking in IE it works until i enable LockDown.
12 years ago
#259 Quote
Thank you for pointing this out. Secure Lockdown has been updated to prevent the changing of wallpaper. This change will be available on our website for download by end-of-day December 7th (tomorrow).
12 years ago
#264 Quote
This fix is now available for download.
12 years ago
#265 Quote
Brilliant, No more option for set as desktop background

Question, not sure if the option was there before or not:

IE (8 or 9) - Right Click - Save Picture As
IE (8 or 9) - Right Click - Go to My Pictures

is there a way to remove those options?
12 years ago
#266 Quote
If you select the "Fixed Bars/Menus" option under the Customizations/Layout Options tab, the whole right-click menu is disabled as well. We are going to separate that feature out from the Fixed Bars\Menus feature in our next release. But for now, selecting that option will do the trick.
12 years ago
#267 Quote

Thanks for assistance!
