Thursday, March 6, 2025 9:05:22 PM

IE Lockdown Content Advisor

8 years ago
#3693 Quote
I am testing a 30 day trial of your IE lock down product. I have white listed 11 sites all from the same domain (I would prefer the ability to white list a domain but for now I have listed each one in your product). I can assess all the sites before enabling your product but one it is enabled I cannot access ANY site. The message box is titled Content Advisor - "website" and reads Content Advisor will not allow you to see this website.
This page may contain some or all of the following
This page does not have a rating.

I have added several of the sites to trusted sites in IE before enabling your product but that makes no difference. The issue seems to be within your code.

I reviewed the forum and noticed several users comments on this issue but none where resolved that I could see. I did notice one user commented that the Content Advisor prompted for a password even though he did not have the password. I cannot force that message box to appear even though it may do no good.

I also submitted this to the first contact page before I noticed it was for sales efforts only so I do not know if they will forward it to you but I did not want you to waste your time answering twice.

Thanks - Paul
8 years ago
#3694 Quote
I wanted to update my post. I have researched further. It appears IE 10 and 11 have removed the Content Advisor from the Internet Tools GUI. I understand you can make changes in gpedit if you are using Professional or Enterprise versions of Win 7 (and possibly 8 and above) however I am using 7 Home Premium and did not want to install the 3rd party utility that adds gpedit to the lower version of Win 7. I found a command on a MS site that allows you to edit the Content Advisor without installing anything. RunDll32.exe msrating.dll,RatingSetupUI . I ran this command using the Run command and there is an option to allow the users to see websites that have no rating with a simple check box. I made that change and was prompted for a password which I created. I saved my settings and CHECKED them. I then enabled Secure Lockdown and still received the message. When I went back into the Content Advisor the check box was unchecked and my password was removed so apparently Secure Lockdown is resetting the IE factory defaults when enabled. I do not know how to get around this issue if Inteset will not intervene.