Thursday, March 6, 2025 3:14:17 PM

Remote Management Console - Settings

7 years ago
#4046 Quote

Not finding any document on remote management console.

I need to know how to use the settings. We seem to have an export and import. Export seem to save settings.reg in the secure lockdown folder of the machine. If you do it again it will overwrite. I would think IMPORT will import the reg file on the PC.

I'm trying to have multi .reg files and have the options to load a different one on the remote PC.

Do we have a way to do that?

Also please explain the 2 items in settings if possible. Not sure what the use of them.
7 years ago
#4047 Quote
On the Inteset website, sign into your account. Under the My account > Manage Devices > Device Information page, you'll see 2 icons under the Settings column. One is "Update Settings Template", the other is "Import Settings". Configure a machine's Secure Lockdown settings (on the physical machine), then go to the Device Information page of the system you just configured. From there, press the "Update Settings Template" option. Now that settings template will be available to all systems using the same Edition of Secure Lockdown (that are registered with the remote management service). On the website, go to the device (Device Information page) you need to copy the settings to and press the "Import Settings" option. The service will then save the selected settings to the current device and restart the machine (it will only restart if Secure Lockdown is enabled).
7 years ago
#4066 Quote
Ok to be sure i understand it's 1 config per machine and that is what you can share with the other machines in the batch of licenses you have.

You have to use the same version to make sure all the configurations are the same.

So if i want to change the config of a remote machine i need to set one here by importing the remote config to my local machine. After that do all changed and do the other way and push back to the remote machine