Thursday, March 6, 2025 3:09:33 PM

Installing on winXP SP3 error.

7 years ago
#4136 Quote
Tried installing Standard Edition on an old WinXp SP3 computer. When trying to start the program I get that the program isn't a valid 32-bit program.
Account is administrator and SP3 + 3.5 .net Framework is installed.

What is wrong?

/Thanks in advance
7 years ago
#4137 Quote
Secure Lockdown now requires .Net 4.0. Sorry that our documentation is inaccurate regarding this. It will be updated shortly.
7 years ago
#4138 Quote
Installed .net 4.0 and still the same error.
7 years ago
#4139 Quote
It seems .Net 4.5.2 is needed but that won't work with WinXP so I guess you can't use Secure Lockdown on WinXP then?