Wednesday, March 5, 2025 8:30:05 AM

OSK - "Toggle button" icon error

7 years ago
#4162 Quote
Hello everybody,
I've tried "Inteset Secure Lockdown" in the Tablet with Windows 10 operating system.
There is "On-Screen Keyboard Helper" (OSK) too. OSK has been set up with this configuration:
Run on Windows Login, Hide on Startup, Windows Tablet PC Keyboard, Toggle button,
Opacity 75%, Size 75%, Hide after 2.
OSK Keyboard icon has been at the left up screen corner after Tablet start-up (restart).
I have need to move Keyboard icon to the right screen side. This icon couldn't move, so
I've opened local icon menu and choosed option Move to right. After that tablet screen
rotated over 180 degree, Keyboard icon expanded and screen rotated over 180 degree back.
Since this event Keyboard icon takes the whole tablet screen.
I have tried OSK sw uninstall and install again, but Keyboard icon has always wide size,
unfortunately. There is only Keyboard icon on the tablet screen.
Important note: When I use OSK "Always Visible" property, screen keyboard works well.
Do you happen to know there could be issue (cause) of this behaviour?

Note: If you want to use (OSK) with Windows 10, it's necessary to install .NET Framework 3.5. But
OSK .pdf manual says "...System requirements .NET 3.5 or higher".

Thank you for any advice that you can provide.
Enjoy your day.
Peter B.
7 years ago
#4163 Quote
You shouldn't need the Kiosk Helper app under Windows 10. If you set Windows 10 to Tablet Mode before enabling Secure Lockdown, the Windows 10 on-screen keyboard will pop up when the cursor is placed within an input field.
7 years ago
#4164 Quote
Good morning,
thank you for your answer.
Well, you've written there isn't required "backround" keyboard, i.e. no "On-Screen
Keyboard Helper" and W10 automatically starts it's own keyboard immediately when
application has opened field for text string inserting.
I'm affraid, that this rule doesn't work.
Note: We want to use tablet such as an terminal for some sw application - display
data of the controls equipment and sometimes to do simple set up. So that we've got
sw that runs under the W10/W7 and .NET Framework.
Then this app needs some data entry (e.g. name of the unit) and opens input text field there
ins't no keyboard. You can tap on the touch table screen and nothing, no keyboard.
If you mean the standard system keyboard which is on the "task bar", it isn't possible,
because "Lockdown" hides "task bar" and there is only white clean bar in place of the
"task bar".
I don't know how to make force the tablet for keyboard starting.
There is my "Lock down" setup:
- Master Application -> c:\Program Files\MyApp.exe
  Start Delay 2
  Keep Running - checked
- System Lockdown -> Local Level
  No Logoff -  checked
  No Local Drives - checked
  No Auto Play - checked
  No System Key - checked
  No Action center - checked
  No Network Shares - checked
- System Lockdown -> Machine Level
  No User switching - checked
  No Ease of Access - checked
  No Help & Support - checked
  No App Install - checked
- System Lockdown -> Log off / Restart
  there are checked nothing

Important Note: Then I want to log off or shutdown the tablet (W10) it's impossible,
because there isn't keyboard. It necessary to connect "external" keyboard and start

I use the "Visionbook 8Wi Plus" tablet (Quard-Core Windows 10 tablet).

By the way, do you think the "On-Screen Keyboard Helper" icon across the whole tablet
screen is proper form? I described it in my last message.

Be so kind, and try to find there could be some mistake or configuration error.
Thank you for any advice which you can provide.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Peter B.
7 years ago
#4169 Quote
Excuse me, I've forgotten last paragraph in my answer...

Important note:
If you've got sw (application) which was "written" for tablet using,
you don't need "On-Screen Keyboard Helper" and screen keyboard opens
(reveals) automatically when new text input field is opened (e.g. MS Edge).
But if you have got "an old sw application" (e.g. notepad, our program, etc.)
you will have to use screen keyboard which is open "manually" or runs as an
backgound sw -> "On-Screen Keyboard Helper".
So I try to use it with toggle button mode. But with this mode doesn't work
well and there is "large icon" issue (this my report above).

Thank you for your advice, how to figure out.
Enjoy your day.
Peter B.
7 years ago
#4174 Quote
If you're using Secure Lockdown - Multi Application Edition, you can configure the Windows 10 virtual keyboard icon to display in the system tray (Taskbar). Be sure to set the System Lockdown > Local Level > No Taskbar option to disabled (no checkmark)
7 years ago
#4175 Quote
Good afternoon,
Thank you for your message.

Well, I decided to use "SL Standard edition", so there is only ONE running app in tablet.
Note: This application we want to use for display some data, which generates and collects
some technical "instrumentation and control" (MAR) equipment.
We don't want to keep another Windows app "opened" - we don't need them. Windows without
"task bar" suits.
So "SL Standard edition" is just what we need for our intention, I've tried it and it works
well. There is only one "fault", i.e. my message above.
At this moment I will have to use "Always visible" on screen keyboard (Program On-Screen
Keyboard Helper). It's a little unpleasant ... as a kitten among your legs.
"Toggle button" keyboard setup could be better.
Note: As I said already, our app hasn't been written for tablet, it needs keyboard, which
call out user.

If you want to see the keyboard icon across the whole tablet screen, I can send you snap,
at this moment I don't know your e-mail address and forums HTML can't this possibilites.

Thank you for your cooperation.
Enjoy you day.
Peter B.
7 years ago
#4176 Quote
Have you tried enabling Windows 10 Tablet Mode before enabling Secure Lockdown? Doing so should allow the Win 10 virtual keyboard to appear when the cursor enters an input field.