Tuesday, March 4, 2025 12:06:30 PM

starter questions

5 years ago
#17019 Quote

I ordered the software to test it.

a few problems so far:

_ I open the site with chrome, that works when I disable the Reset Chrome option. Is this the normal way to open a startsite

_ I have only this domain in the whitelist, but when I click a outside link I get an chrome error page without an option to go back to the last page

_ I set Inactive to one minute and checked "Return Home". when the return occurs it start a empty chrome page.

5 years ago
#17022 Quote
The first question is not understood. Please clarify with more detail.

Regarding the second question, please see the Inteset Secure Lockdown Browser Helper extension found in the Chrome Webstore. That extension addresses your concern.

For the third question, be sure the Chrome Lockdown > General Options > Reset Chrome option is not selected, otherwise the browser will be reset to its default when it is reopened.

5 years ago
#17026 Quote
Inteset S. wrote:
The first question is not understood. Please clarify with more detail.

Regarding the second question, please see the Inteset Secure Lockdown Browser Helper extension found in the Chrome Webstore. That extension addresses your concern.

where should I define sthe start page for the chrome browser. in chrome? (normal startpage) or inside the lockdown software?

For the third question, be sure the Chrome Lockdown > General Options > Reset Chrome option is not selected, otherwise the browser will be reset to its default when it is reopened.

the option is not selected but in timeout it opens a google search page!

5 years ago
#17027 Quote
the RETURN HOME Option starts a new tab, this is the google search page. it should start the defined chrome page.

ok, I found inside the lockdown plugin the option to prevent klick on not allowed urls. it works.

some  more issues:

is it possible to change the text displayed from this plugin?  like "Inteset Secure Lockdown Browser Helper... News Tab are not allowed by administrator"

5 years ago
#17028 Quote
one more: klicking an email link opens the windows select app dialog. actually the plugin is not very usefull for professional usage. or when opening an pdf...
5 years ago
#17030 Quote
You can change the titles and messages of the Kiosk Helper dialogs. Go to here:

C:\Users\<user Name>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\oakcfomieebeghjpaddodebohcmkalje\1.2.2_0

And edit the "Error..." pages with Notepad.
5 years ago
#17032 Quote
Regarding mailto: links, there is the ability in Chrome to control how they are handled. See the following article:

5 years ago
#17033 Quote
thanks, but the main problem is the RETURN HOME. it returns to the new tab google search page
5 years ago
#17034 Quote
Did you change the Homepage URL to what you need in Chrome Settings? It will go to whatever is defined there.