Thursday, March 6, 2025 12:22:23 PM

Wifi selection icon in Windows 10

7 years ago
#4170 Quote

I'm using Lockdown Standard v2. I want the user to be able to select a different wifi is needed. They are using a laptop, so it does not mean the wifi they want to use is going to be already registered.

I read this in the forum "If you use Windows 10, the "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key combination will provide access to switch WiFi APs. Or, you can use the Inteset Network Connection Manager software we provide.". I tried but the wifi icon does not appear. I checked the options and I'm not seeing anything related to wifi in the standard version.

7 years ago
#4171 Quote

  Ok i found my problem. I tested all the options and found the "no network UI" being what i was looking for. So if the check is removed, the wifi icon will be shown when doing CRTl-ALT-DELETE and can switch wifi. Still have to do a few test because i'm not sure what will happen with windows. Usually for a new network it's will ask a yes/no question about the new network.
