Friday, March 14, 2025 12:00:56 PM

License registration error

12 years ago
#383 Quote
We have had Inteset Secure lockdown IE editon running for about a month, today it has errrored with the below error window and will not load:

"License registration error. Can not continue. The licensing companant can not dtermine unique machine id information. Please contact Inteset support."

How can we fix?

I plan to uninstall and reinstall later this evening outside shopping hours where the Kiosks machanie is. will there be issues activting the license on the same mahcine even though I haven't deactivated it?

12 years ago
#384 Quote
Was this set up on a virtual machine? Please download the latest version of Secure Lockdown which handles that environment
12 years ago
#390 Quote
No this is on a phyiscal windows 7 pro 32 bit machine. I uninstalled the software and downloaded from the website again and reinstalled. But when you try to open the same error comes up about unable to determine unique mahcine id and it closes.
12 years ago
#391 Quote
Please send the Machine ID info displayed in the bottom of the splash screen and we will take a look. You can copy and past it to an email to