Tuesday, March 4, 2025 9:09:21 AM

Can you remote into machines running the multi app?

5 years ago
#17347 Quote
We want this to work as it was previously. I shouldn't have to turn autolgin on for this to work. AGAIN, I want the users to enter the password for the computer and BOOM secure lock down be enabled. Is that possible without making the local user an administrator? I am not sure why speaking with someone is so far out of the question and has been avoided since day one.
5 years ago
#17348 Quote
When the local user account logs in the settings stay, as no sites can be accessed, but the dock isn't there and all desktop is shown and there is no way to get to the dock without opening secure llock down with the administrator password.
5 years ago
#17349 Quote
Just verified. I logged in as administrator and the desktop was blacked out and dock shown. Why, why, why would we want only administrators to login to this when the whole point is to restrict access?
5 years ago
#17350 Quote
Please let me know asap if user accounts need to be part of an administrator group for this to actually work as it does when logged in as administrator. This would defeat the entire purpose of buying the software. We dont' want to have to make registry edits on each machine or disable this or that for your software to work. When I spoke with sales it was never told to me that this only works for administrator accounts because that is how it looks right now. The onyl way I Can login and already have this enabled is to be an administrator. I really need to speak with someone on the phone to sort this out,
5 years ago
#17351 Quote
Secure Lockdown must run under a local administrator account - this is one of the first topics of the User Guide. Note that although Secure Lockdown runs under an admin account, the end user does not have access to administrative features. When enabled, Secure Lockdown disables those features (certain admin features can be made available if desired - See the Secure Lockdown - Administrator Guide for more info).
5 years ago
#17352 Quote
I have everything set but am at  one last obstacle. I have Chrome set to open a specific page, which it does. However, I have Chrome set to open any PDF instead of downloading it or opening with adobe but when I open from the site it says due to restrictions I cannot access the file. When I turn off secure lockdown it opens the way it should, with chrome but when I enable secure lockdown It will not allow the system viewer to open the PDF. I have Chrome set to automatically open PDF, chrome opens to the one site we want to allow just fine it is just this last piece that isn't making sense. It isn't trying to have Adobe open, and Chrome is allowed and it is part of the same site so I am not sure what needs done?
5 years ago
#17353 Quote
Is the PDF document path a "file://" URL?
5 years ago
#17366 Quote
Inteset S. wrote:
Is the PDF document path a "file://" URL?

Hey, we got the licenses. And yes, it is a file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads

It seems to work. Is there another way?

My last question is when I login to the account that is locked down and I alt shift  S, and enter the password. Do I always have to sign out and back in to adjust the settings or is there a way to login to the locked down machine, enter the password and get to the settings without having to sign out?
5 years ago
#17367 Quote
I asked this previously but am not sure if I understood. How can I import the settings from one secure lockdown machine to apply it to another so I can just install import and be done? Is that a possibility?
5 years ago
#17368 Quote
Yes, you'll need to log out, then sign back in. You can go to the Help > Export / Import tab and export the settings of one system, then use the import function to restore those settings to another system.