Tuesday, March 4, 2025 6:12:19 AM

Windows 10 enterprise enable control panel not working

5 years ago
#17542 Quote
I'm trying to enable the Control Panel on a panel pc running Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB.
I've added to the registry "EnableControlPanel = 1" as well as "ControlPanelOptions" with a Canonical name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCenter.

When I try to run the command to open the control panel for network, I can see a window opening and immediately closing.
I have another panel pc running Windows 10 Pro, which have no issue.

Is there any difference in the configuration because of the Windows version? What should I change to enable it on the Enterprise edition?
5 years ago
#17543 Quote
We have not tested that functionality with the Enterprise edition you mentioned. It's possible that the Window name is different, thus Secure Lockdown wont recognize it and will close it by default.
5 years ago
#17546 Quote
From what I saw online, Microsoft hasn't published any new documents about canonical names for windows 10
Is there any course of action we can take to try and make this work in that version?
5 years ago
#17550 Quote
roni l. wrote:
From what I saw online, Microsoft hasn't published any new documents about canonical names for windows 10
Is there any course of action we can take to try and make this work in that version?

The issue is not related to the canonical names. It's related to the name of the Window Title that is presented which Secure Lockdown uses to determine if it can be displayed or not. Apparently it is different in Enterprise.
5 years ago
#17551 Quote
I've compared the two versions and indeed there is a variation in the title name.
Is there a way I can add the new name so Secure Lockdown will allow it to be open?
5 years ago
#17553 Quote
Possibly for a future build. Please submit an image of the two screens to techsupport@inteset.com.