Thursday, March 6, 2025 4:35:23 AM

Chrome error

7 years ago
#4342 Quote
I have more than 100 widows PC's running secure lockdown Chrome edition and on our Window 10 versions we are getting a Chrome error "Google Chrome is unresponsive, relaunch now" after scheduled restart this message is only displayed when launching with secure lockdown enabled it doe not show the error when not enabled (outside secure lockdown).
Can you please check if there is any known issues with secure lockdown and Widows 10 that would cause this issue?
7 years ago
#4343 Quote
What build of Secure Lockdown are you running? Make sure it is the latest from our website (current build is 2.00.181).
7 years ago
#4344 Quote
We are currently running Version 2.0 (chrome Edition) (Chrome Ver: 61.0.316391) Build 2.00.173
7 years ago
#4351 Quote
Can you please confirm that if we update to the latest version of secure lockdown we will no longer get this error message the url we are loading is
7 years ago
#4352 Quote
The best way to test this is by testing on your systems as it is unique to your configuration needs. We have not had reports of this issue elsewhere.
7 years ago
#4369 Quote
I have installed the latest version of secure lockdown and I am still getting the Chrome error after restarts of the PC
7 years ago
#4375 Quote
This issue cannot be reproduced with the URL provided on a Windows 10 system. Try disabling the Chrome Lockdown > Allowed Sites feature as a test if it is enabled.