Friday, March 14, 2025 9:26:07 AM

Open Persistent Running Program from system tray in shell mode

12 years ago
#487 Quote
Is there a way to re-open a program that is set to keep running in the system tray if it is closed while using the secure lockdown program in shell mode?  It's set to automatically run and in shell mode there's no icon to click to pull it back out of the system tray.

Also, if I was to change the way I'm doing it and run circle dock with the Polycom CMA program added, thus giving me a way to re-open it, is there a way to remove circle docks right click menus or help browser?  I would hate to leave a path to open Internet travel through circle docks help browser if that was the only way to reopen minimized programs.
12 years ago
#488 Quote
The System Tray is fully removed when running in Shell mode. The Tray is hidden regardless of the whether "Run as Shell" is enabled or disabled in Secure Lockdown regardless.

You can use Circle Dock. If you are using Secure Lockdown Multi Application Edition, there is no Circle Dock right-click menu or help capability when Secure Lockdown is enabled.