Wednesday, March 5, 2025 2:24:45 PM

Surface Pro 3 Inteset Secure Lockdown

7 years ago
#4879 Quote
I have a Surface Pro 3 I am running the Inteset Secure Lockdown on.  It stopped responding to the alt+shift+S command rendering the device useless.

There is no antivirus other than Windows Defender
I have tried a hard restart on the device

Any other suggestions on how to get the unit unlocked.  I have 4 of the same units running same version of software that respond to the key combo.
7 years ago
#4880 Quote
It's likely that Windows did an update and overwrote the Secure Lockdown startup. Please see this post
7 years ago
#4881 Quote
I tried everything within that post, but it is still impossible to get the PW screen to open up.
7 years ago
#4882 Quote
Do you have a second admin account?
7 years ago
#4883 Quote
There is a separate windows admin account on the device, but even after a hard restart it takes me automatically into the locked down guest user account.

I do not have an alternate Inteset admin account.
7 years ago
#4884 Quote
You may be able to intercept the Windows Welcome (login) screen upon reboot by pressing the Shift key quickly and continuously. If successful, you'll be able to switch to the 2nd admin account. Unless you have Windows recovery media, you'll need to reinstall the OS if you cant get the the 2nd admin account.
7 years ago
#4906 Quote
Tried to intercept the login with the shift button both continually pressed and repeatedly pressed.  It still channels me directly into the locked up user account.  Anyone have any ideas how to get to the Password screen?  I have all necessary credentials and PW, because I unlocked 3 of the same surface pros using standard procedures.  This one either hides the login screen upon hot button, or the on screen, or the usb keyboard are not relaying the prompts.