Wednesday, March 5, 2025 2:38:28 PM

RDP error (Remote Desktop)

6 years ago
#4951 Quote
Good morning,

I'm running into an error when trying to use Remote Desktop Connection through the CircleDock. The software we're using is Inteset Secure Lockdown v2 - MAE. When Secure Lockdown is disabled and I click RDP from the CircleDock, it works. However, after I enable Secure Lockdown, it generates the following error (I uploaded the error to tinypic so you could see it, since it seems you can't attach files to posts on the forum)

Below is the item settings on the CircleDock:

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!
6 years ago
#4952 Quote
You'd need to reference "%systemroot%/system32/mstsc.exe" in the Target path, then the location of your rdp file in the Arguments path (for example "C:\Remote Desktops\MyRDP.rdp").
6 years ago
#4953 Quote
Could you explain exactly what I need to put in the appropriate fields? Sorry, I'm not the most savvy with this sort of thing.

What I have now doesn't work.

6 years ago
#4954 Quote
Your Target field is right. The Arguments field needed to contain the location/path of your RDP file. For example "C:\Remote Desktops\MyRDP.rdp"
6 years ago
#4957 Quote
Do you use any remote access software such as LogMeIn? Maybe we could set up a time and a tech could remote in and fix this?

I've been trying tons of different paths and it's simply not working.
6 years ago
#4960 Quote
Make sure there are no spaces in your Arguments path. You may need to move the RDP file to a path with no spaces ("c:\myrdpfile.rdp"). Circle Dock can handle only non-space paths.