Tuesday, March 4, 2025 11:17:30 PM

Same Machine ID on multiple computers.

6 years ago
#4987 Quote
I have a license for 300 computers. For a matter of time, instead of manually installing all the applications that the system needs, I am loading an image of Windows 10. The problem is that in all those SureLock devices it is generating the same Machine ID. This causes problems in the management of devices. What should I do so that SureLock does not generate the same Machine ID after loading the Windows 10 image on each of the devices?
6 years ago
#4988 Quote
You will need to change the Windows computer name on each device via the Windows UI.
6 years ago
#4989 Quote
I already did that and the same Machine ID is generated. I also tried uninstalling, deleting in the regedit, and then installing and the same Machine ID is still generated.
6 years ago
#4990 Quote
Are you referring to the Windows Computer Name, or the Secure Lockdown Machine ID? If the later, please refer to the "Build an OS Image with Automatic Product Activation" section of the Administrator Guide included with the installation. Following the steps outlined will produce an OS image that can be used without this issue.
6 years ago
#4993 Quote
I've just done the steps in the manual to create the Windows image. The problem continues to occur, the only thing that was obtained was the automatic activation of SureLock, but not that the Machines IDs are not repeated on the machines that loaded the Windows image.

6 years ago
#4994 Quote
Please contact techsupport@inteset.com and refer to this post.