Tuesday, March 4, 2025 8:30:37 PM

USB Drive Won't Auto Play

6 years ago
#5072 Quote
Any update? Also, temporarily I've tried to use Windows Explorer as an alternative, but I am getting this error when clicking on it:

6 years ago
#5073 Quote
"No Auto Play" works differently for USB removable drives. It has a separate Windows setting than auto-play for application extensions (Settings > Devices > AutoPlay > Removable drive). Secure Lockdown is referencing only AutoPlay for application extensions. USB drive Autoplay is a one-time setting that once set performs the action defined originally (ie: "none","Open Explorer", etc). Secure Lockdown sets this setting to "none" when enabled and this setting can't be changed...

Please detail how you're launching Windows Explorer so that we may troubleshoot the error you're receiving.
6 years ago
#5075 Quote
Here is a screenshot of the item settings:


The icon works and brings you into File Explorer when Secure Lockdown is disabled. However, once it's enabled, you get the error message that I posted in my previous post.
6 years ago
#5079 Quote
In the "Target" field, try just entering the default path of the location you want to access (ie: "e:\"). The error is a result of Explorer trying to open an inaccessible path.
6 years ago
#5097 Quote
Inteset S. wrote:
In the "Target" field, try just entering the default path of the location you want to access (ie: "e:\"). The error is a result of Explorer trying to open an inaccessible path.

Thank you. Changing the path to just the drive letter fixed it.

I don't think I ran into this problem with USB drives/auto play when I was originally testing on Windows 7. Is this a new problem with Windows 10? Anyway, as of now, the alternative solution works. I know that the D drive is for Removable Storage, so if I add a CircleDock icon with that drive letter as the folder path, then I will have access if I plug in a thumb drive. I tested and confirmed this. But is there no other way to open a USB Flash Drive?
6 years ago
#5098 Quote
If you use a 3rd party file manage and launch it from Circle Dock, you may be able do what you need however, doing so may also expose the C:\ drive.
6 years ago
#7619 Quote
Revisiting this original topic that I created.

My manager wanted me to ask if there is a recommended way on how to open USB drives using circle dock? We've had it set up for a couple months now just as we discussed in the above posts. An icon on the circle dock is set up to open to a drive letter (.ie. - D:\) and after you plug in a USB drive, you click the icon and it will open the drive. However, a couple times we've run into the issue of the drive letter for USBs randomly changing (Windows being Windows I guess) so when you click on the icon, you get an error message because the USB drive is trying to open using a different letter.

Opening file explorer rather than a direct drive letter would fix this, but as seen in the above posts, I never got an answer as to why that wasn't working. Regardless, does Inteset recommend a certain method on how to open USB drives when plugged in? We just want to make sure where using the preferred solution.

Thank you