Friday, March 14, 2025 12:19:36 PM

Application sees wrong Path when accessing files.

12 years ago
#582 Quote
The main application we use is exhibiting a problem in 2 areas and they seem to be related. First, the app works fine when not in Lockdown Mode. The error log that is produced by the app in assocation with one of these errors indicates that the app is looking for a folder named Capture, which exists in the app's folder structure, however, the path that it reports shows the app is looking for the Capture folder to exist in the folder structure of the Lockdown software. In other words the path shown in the error log is 'C:\Program Files\Inteset\Secure Lockdown\Capture\AnnotationImage_Front.png' when the path should be 'C:\Program Files\emsCharts\Capture\AnnotationImage_Front.png'. Note, the folder "emsCharts" is replaced by "Inteset\Secure Lockdown"

The second problem does not produce an error log entry, but, I discovered the app was looking for a folder named "refDocs" that contained pdf documents.

In an attempt to fix the first problem I created the "Capture" folder within the Lockdown software's folder structure and it now works. So, I applied the same logic to the second problem (created a folder called "refDocs" within the Lockdown software's folder structure and the second problem was also fixed.

It appears to me that either a system variable or registry key is being modified by the Lockdown Software that the app is using.

Again, if I take the unit out of Lockdown the app works fine. And, the app works fine when IN Lockdown mode other than these two functions. Also note that we have 16 units and they all exhibited the same problem.

The units are 2goPCs by CTL Corp., OS- WIN7 Starter P1 32Bit, Intel Atom CPU N2600 @ 1.60GHz, 4.00GB RAM.
12 years ago
#583 Quote
First, make sure you have the latest version of Secure Lockdown installed (found here: ).

Second, within the Secure Lockdown configuration screen, you'll notice there is a "Working Directory" field under the Master Application tab. Please populate that with the folder path where the master application exe resides and try again.
12 years ago
#584 Quote
The following is a reply from the app developer in reference to this problem:

Here's some technical details for you then. The Microsoft.NET coding we're using is called "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory".

Here's an example of what I'm looking at:
12 years ago
#587 Quote
Did you try populating the Working Directory field?
12 years ago
#588 Quote
Where are you refering to? Secure Lockdown setup or Windows OS Setup?
12 years ago
#589 Quote
Secure Lockdown Setup under the Master Application tab.
12 years ago
#590 Quote
Sorry, the field is called "Start in"
12 years ago
#591 Quote
Sorry, I don't see a "Master Application" tab.

FYI - I am using the Multi Application Edition
12 years ago
#592 Quote
Okay. in that case, you could use the Process Launcher utility to specify a Working Directory. In the Secure Lockdown User Guide, review the Inteset Process Launcher Utility under the Additional Utilities section.  Detailed instructions of command-line parameters and usage for Inteset Process Launcher are available under the All Programs\Inteset\Secure Lockdown group of the Windows Start menu
12 years ago
#593 Quote
When I use the Process Launcher it produces an error log in the Application Log that says:
"The system cannot find the file specified"
Source: Inteset Process Launcher
Event ID: 0
Level: Error

I created a .bat file to launch the app from.
I used your example Notepad text to test that I am doing things right - it works fine.
I used quotes on all the parameters because of spaces in Folder and file names - still errors.
I created a Test folder (no spaces in name) and copied all the app files to there - still errors.
I renamed the app to make it shorter - still errors.

The error is always the same: "The system cannot find the file specified"