2 years ago
#30174 Quote
Hi, I am getting really inconsistent behavior on the Return Home feature. My expectation is that it would work similar to browser refresh feature of Windows Kiosk, Fully Kiosk and others in that it would always refresh after the inactive time. However, my test users see white screens after the kiosk sitting overnight. I have done several small tests which demonstrate the problem but below is a case documented in detail.

The kiosk starts fine refreshing at the designated time (2 idle minutes - plus ~2 seconds). After stopping Internet connection (another tablet hotspot) it went to white screen as expected. However, after turning Internet back on and reconnect (happening ~3 minutes later - another issue but with Windows), the kiosk stayed on white screen for about 2 hrs 15 min. The app did return but missed MANY Return Home intervals after that. Then the next morning the kiosk was not refreshing. See details below.

I also ran a quick test using Restart Browser. Those details are further below too.

Again, I expected it to always Return Home (refresh) after the inactive time of being idle regardless of previous periods.

Is there a solution for this? Can I get the code to fix it. Or I will go with another kiosk solution. It's a shame; it works well in all other areas test but this is too big of a problem. (and the keyboard problem I posted earlier)

Microsoft Surface Windows 11 Home
Second Surface with Mobile hotspot for Internet connect
Inteset Secure Lockdown for Chrome
Inactive min: 2, Return home selected (chrome home address is same as kiosk start address)
Start with hotspot on
Never touched tablet during test
00:00:00 power on
00:00:26 Kiosk up with our page
00:02:11 unplugged USB (intended to before starting test)
00:02:55 Refresh
00:04:57 Refresh
00:07:00 Refresh
00:07:24 Kill hotspot
00:08:10 hotspot shows no connections
00:09:02 Refresh to white screen
00:11:00-00:11:15 No refresh detected - white to white flash not detectable?
00:13:00-00:13:20 No refresh detected
00:15:00-00:15:24 No refresh detected
00:16:03 hotspot on
00:19:23 hotspot shows device connected - took a long time!
00:19:35 flash from white to white - maybe refresh too fast to find network and page?
00:21:10-00:21:35 No refresh detected
00:23:10-00:23:40 No refresh detected
00:24:19 hotspot still on and device connected
00:25:15-00:25:40 No refresh detected
00:38:26 Still white screen
00:57:43 Still white screen
…02:34:16 it was back to the app. And it refreshed shortly after.
…16:00:00 App is still displayed
16:00:00 - 16:06:10  There should have been 3-4 refreshes during this time. There were none.

Inactive min: 2
Restart instead of Return Home
00:00:00 Power on tablet
00:00:27 Kiosk on
00:01:03 refresh/restart
00:02:11 unplugged USB (intended to before starting test)
00:07:25 No refreshs/restarts
00:07:28 Turn off hotspot
00:07:40 Disconnection noted on hotspot page
00:11:23 App still displayed: no refresh/restart happened

I guess this works as expected, from docs: Note: This setting will not restart Chrome if it was already restarted and the inactivity period has elapsed.