Starting on 8/22 after the weekend, each of our Edge Lockdown test machines started showing only a white page when loading Edge. The navigation bar is there, it shows that the page loaded, but the webpage is just a white page with nothing on it.
We have tried:
Changing the site to many other sites
Reinstalling Secure Lockdown
Rolling back edge to Version 104.0.1293.54 which was previously working
Imaging a new computer and setting up Secure Lockdown
Disabling Kiosk Mode in the configuration
Here is our config, I have removed our password and changed our URL to google.com since this is public:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MasterAppPath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe"
"MasterAppArguments"=" https://google.cm --kiosk --start-maximized --edge-kiosk-type=public-browsing --no-first-run --disable-extensions --inprivate --disable-features=msHub "
"MasterWorkingDir"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application"
"RestartTime"="8/11/2022 6:20:09 AM"
Starting on 8/22 after the weekend, each of our Edge Lockdown test machines started showing only a white page when loading Edge. The navigation bar is there, it shows that the page loaded, but the webpage is just a white page with nothing on it.
We have tried:
Changing the site to many other sites
Reinstalling Secure Lockdown
Rolling back edge to Version 104.0.1293.54 which was previously working
Imaging a new computer and setting up Secure Lockdown
Disabling Kiosk Mode in the configuration
Here is our config, I have removed our password and changed our URL to google.com since this is public:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"MasterAppPath"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application\\msedge.exe"
"MasterAppArguments"=" https://google.cm --kiosk --start-maximized --edge-kiosk-type=public-browsing --no-first-run --disable-extensions --inprivate --disable-features=msHub "
"MasterWorkingDir"="C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft\\Edge\\Application"
"RestartTime"="8/11/2022 6:20:09 AM"
Justin Fleischer