Tuesday, February 18, 2025 5:58:24 PM

White Listing

10 years ago
#1841 Quote
As I was finishing up the computers I did notice that if I didn't have the website in IE as my HomePage I would get the Content Advisor and the page wouldn't display. Once I added in the website homepage the lockdown software worked great. I have done 7 computers so far and 6 left to go.
10 years ago
#2063 Quote
I am been fighting with "Content Advisor" all day trying to get just one site to work with Inteset Secure Lockdown v2 - Internet Explorer Edition. The two systems are Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit with Internet Explorer 11, even using the wildcard suggestion in previous posts of this topic fail to work for a very safe kids site, http://www.pbskids.org I have tried turning off Content Advisor using this command to bring up it's configuration window, RunDll32.exe msrating.dll,RatingSetupUI this allows you to get the Content Advisor UI in Windows 7 32 bit Home Premium, which I seriously regret buying now, Secpol and gpedit do not come included in this version and my problems would be over if they did. But even after adjusting all the sliders to allow everything, I found they were right back where they were once the window was closed.
What is needed here is a way to be rid of content advisor entirely by means of removal from the registry. I tried this by removing the msrating.dll from all entries in the registry and this did not work, I am thinking after a reboot it just wrote them back in again.

Would I be better off using a different version of Inteset Secure Lockdown that uses a different browser?
Perhaps this is a better course of action, for if I have to go through this nightmare for every single site added to the White List, it will not be worth the effort.

Interesting to note, just adding http://www.facebook.com worked fine, came up with their page and a login, incredible.
10 years ago
#2064 Quote
You should not need to mess around with any of the IE Content Advisor Settings. Secure Lockdown will make adjustments to those settings as needed. Besides "http://www.pbskids.org" are there any other sites you need to whitelist? We will look into these sites.
10 years ago
#2065 Quote
I am sure the list will grow to the sites needed in the White List once the customer has had the computer for a while and requests have been made for them. I am setting up these two computer for a children's dentistry office and they have not given me any requested sites other than, God Forbid, Facebook... So I am trying to just put together some child friendly sites that have fun games and entertaining aspects for the kids while they are in the waiting area. It is a small area off from their waiting area that has a couple of console game systems and these two computers.
Kind Regards and thank you for your assistance, I am really hopeful to get all of this working well enough so that sites can be added in easily for their staff when needed.
10 years ago
#2066 Quote
The "http://pbskids.org/" site will work if you:

1. Configure IE with the homepage of "http://pbskids.org/" (no "www")
2. Enter: "http://pbskids.org/" and "http://*.doubleclick.net/*" into the Allowed Sites list.
10 years ago
#2067 Quote
Ok, thank you, I will add this information into the configuration and give it a try.
10 years ago
#2068 Quote
Those setting took care of the issues, thank you very much. Here is the list of sites that I called their office and they want to have available, now can these be added to like a favorites or similar where they can see what sites are available to them?
Starfall.com spellingcity.com nickjr.com nick.com Disney.com disneyjunior.com hopefully that should be sufficient for the little buggers to keep them busy for a while.
10 years ago
#2069 Quote
If you enable all options under the Secure Lockdown > IE Lockdown > Layout Options items except "No Favorites", that should do what you need.
10 years ago
#2070 Quote
ok those options are mostly in place, what process did you folks go through in order to determine what other content had to be allowed in order for the web site added to the While List to function? As an example you were able to determine that doubleclick.net was necessary in order to get pbskids.org to function, how did you determine this so I do not have this problem when adding in the other sites I listed the customer wants?
10 years ago
#2071 Quote
The Content Advisor message will indicate in its title bar the URL that it is rejecting. Otherwise, you can check the source of the page which will indicate URL calls that will need to be listed. BTW,  Secure Lockdown Chrome Edition, white listing is much simpler and does not require listing URL calls in a page and doesn't require wildcards in the Allowed Sites URL.