Tuesday, January 7, 2025 1:51:58 PM

Cannot run control panel applets from Circle Dock when in lockdown

11 years ago
#1337 Quote
If I add a control panel applet (e.g. INTL.CPL) to the circle dock it will run the applet when not in lockdown but when in lockdown I receive an error about being unable to run due to restrictions in place (please contact system administrator).

I'm guessing this is something within your product that blocks executables other than those explicity entered as menu items (e.g. PAINT.EXE, CMD.EXE etc.)

Incidentally, if I add CMD.EXE I get the DOS window when in lockdown. If I try and run INTL.CPL from there I get the same error too.

Appreciate any help you can give me on this as it is currently the only item 'unticked' on our list of requirements for rolling out your product across our business.
11 years ago
#1339 Quote
Yes, control panel apps are blocked by default. Please email techsupport@inteset.com to learn how to allow Control Panel apps.
10 years ago
#1690 Quote
Hi Robin, did you get an answer to this?