We got 2 Windows 8 PCs with Secure Lockdown - MAE version and we notice that the printing does not finish to completion.
It would open up the print dialog, and we can select the printer and press OK. However nothing gets printed.
When we switch to unlock mode, we notice that the print spool (/system32/spool/printers) directory has entries in there. We would need to shutdown the Print Spool service, delete the files, then restart the print spool service to get it to print again. However, when we switch to lock down mode, the same issue happens again.
We do not experience the same issue with the single version of secure lockdown (no circle dock).
Those 2 PCs that were having issues, were initially released with the single version and we tested the printing to work ok. But we removed and replaced with MAE. We didn't test the printing function, and only realize when the customers told us that no printing was working.
Hope you can help.
We got 2 Windows 8 PCs with Secure Lockdown - MAE version and we notice that the printing does not finish to completion.
It would open up the print dialog, and we can select the printer and press OK. However nothing gets printed.
When we switch to unlock mode, we notice that the print spool (/system32/spool/printers) directory has entries in there. We would need to shutdown the Print Spool service, delete the files, then restart the print spool service to get it to print again. However, when we switch to lock down mode, the same issue happens again.
We do not experience the same issue with the single version of secure lockdown (no circle dock).
Those 2 PCs that were having issues, were initially released with the single version and we tested the printing to work ok. But we removed and replaced with MAE. We didn't test the printing function, and only realize when the customers told us that no printing was working.
Hope you can help.