Friday, January 31, 2025 1:09:10 AM

Secure Lockdown Windows 8.1 compatibility

10 years ago
#1788 Quote
Try wrapping the entry in quotes:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\PowerDVD13"
10 years ago
#1789 Quote
It is wrapped in quotes.  Still the same message.  Why is this happening?  It appears to work in test mode but when I reboot the BD rom is gone and instead it shows a CD drive.  that is hardware we are talking about.  You software is doing something goofy.  
10 years ago
#1791 Quote
Where/what path is the iso file located?
10 years ago
#1792 Quote
The ISO file is on the desktop.  It is mounted as a virtual drive "M"
10 years ago
#1793 Quote
Make sure that the "No Desktop" option is unchecked under the System Lockdown/Local Level tab.
10 years ago
#1794 Quote
there is no such option.  Under customizations, system options I can choose from the following:

No fast user switching (checked)
no logoff/shutdown (checked)
no ease of access (checked)
no help and support (checked)
no local drives (unchecked)
no special keys  (checked)

I am running windows 8.1
10 years ago
#1795 Quote
If that option is not available (under Windows 8.1, it is not) that means that there is no Desktop when Secure Lockdown is enabled (Secure Lockdown is running as the Windows Shell.) Try moving the iso file to "C:\" and reference it there. If that doesn't work, you should create a separate volume/drive letter (ie: "M:\") to place the physical iso file.
10 years ago
#1796 Quote
that did not work either.  Would I have better luck going back to windows 8.0?  How do I do the other thing you suggested?  Are talking about partitioning the hard drive?  I'm sorry I don't understand what you are suggesting.
10 years ago
#1797 Quote
By the way, I tried using a USB travel drive to play the ISO file and that didn't work either. :-(  I'm at a loss here.  If I put a Blu-ray disc of the program into the Blu-ray drive, then the program works correctly and the lockout software appears to function correctly too.  Autoplay still doesn't work (which I would like it to in the event of a power failure) but right now the DVD/Blu-ray player open and you just have to touch the play button to launch he disc.  

My original intent was to use an virtual mounted drive (ISO file of the show) so that playback would be quicker and there wouldn't be the wear and tear on the physical/optical Blu-ray drive since this kiosk will be operational 24/7.  Apparently your software doesn't do this.. or at least in win 8.1 it doesn't.  If I went back to 8.0 would I still have these issues.  Seems to me like I had it working before.  
10 years ago
#1798 Quote
Here is a YouTube video on how to create a new volume (partition).

Also, please download and install the latest release of Secure Lockdown - Standard Edition that was posted today.