Thursday, January 30, 2025 10:15:58 PM

Secure Lockdown Windows 8.1 compatibility

10 years ago
#1812 Quote
I will try that and get back with you.  Thanks for all of your efforts.  This should be this difficult.  :-)
10 years ago
#1813 Quote
I wanted to say thank you for all of your help with this.  It appears that I have finally found a combination that works.  Indeed  using a different mounting software (the one you recommended) is working well... as expected.  I am going to try a few different tweaks to setting to get everything as good as I can.  I really wish I could get the file to autoplay, but I haven't had any luck with that yet.  I can do it in Windows 7 but I think in 8 they made it inoperative or something.  Even when you select everything to autoplay it doesn't really work... or work well.  I'll keep trying.  Thanks again for all your help and patience with me.
10 years ago
#1822 Quote
One final problem.  I would like for the file on the mounted virtual drive to autoplay.  It does autoplay when I have the lockdown software disabled, but when I use the lockdown software it does not... PowerDVD launches, but I need to hit the play icon to launch the program (sometimes I have to select the drive from the dropdown as well).  I have tried  using the method you suggested but it doesn't seem to work.  Thanks again.  I look forward to you helping me solve this issue as well.  :-)

10 years ago
#1824 Quote
We tried saving the BD files to the hard drive and it did work (it auto-played while in lockdown mode.) Please make sure your syntax is correct.
10 years ago
#1827 Quote
I'm sorry, what do you mean by syntax?
10 years ago
#1828 Quote
The Secure Lockdown Master Application "Arguments" text box should read: "AUTOPLAY M:\<YourBlurayMovieFolder>\" assuming the location of your BD movie files are located on the "M" drive.
10 years ago
#1829 Quote
I have the actual ISO file on what I called the "O" drive (the partition I made to the "C" drive).  The Mounted virtual drive is identified as the "F" drive.  So you are telling me I should make the argument "AUTOPLAY O:\<YourBlurayMovieFolder>\" and not to the "F" drive?  I don't have the ISO file in any folder it is just in the root O:\.  Do I need to make a folder?  I'm still a bit confused.  I did notice a slight difference in the syntax that you are telling me now from before (there is an extra \ at the end which I did not see earlier).  Perhaps that is the issue.  I will keep trying.
10 years ago
#1830 Quote
After you mount the iso file, copy the files from it (the mounted drive) to a folder on the root of your newly partitioned drive letter (ie: "M:\<yourmoviefolder>"). After those files are copied to the "M" drive, you no longer will need to mount an iso file.
10 years ago
#1831 Quote
It is not working.  I have the mounted virtual drive F.  I right click on it and copy it.  Then I paste it into the O drive and it shows up as MACKNAC 5.13. In the arguments I put:  "AUTOPLAY O:\MACKINAC 5.13"  It still doesn't autoplay.  Do I have something wrong?  Inside the MACKINAC 5.13 folder are two more folders BDMV and CERTIFICATE.  The original ISO file is also located on the O drive.
10 years ago
#1832 Quote
If you have not other suggestions, I guess I'll have to settle for the way I can get it to work.  Unfortunately I cannot get it to autoplay.  :-(