Saturday, March 8, 2025 9:53:01 PM

White-listing ADP Payroll services not allowing user to login

11 years ago
#1680 Quote
Also, for IE, ADP recommends:

11 years ago
#1681 Quote
You should use the ending asterisk.
11 years ago
#1682 Quote
Their support and I worked on setting their recommendations. I will try the ending asterisk and let you know in 5 mins.
11 years ago
#1684 Quote
tried, and failed.
11 years ago
#1685 Quote
If it works when the Allowed Sites feature is disabled (but Secure Lockdown is enabled), the only thing that could be causing the problem is blocked content which means there are other URLs that need to be whitelisted. Can ADP provide us with a test login?
11 years ago
#1686 Quote
ADP will not provide a test login.  I have a second escalated call due to come in next week.  I will ask for one since they refuse to help me anymore.

At this point I have removed the IE lockdown, removed the address bar, put any sites we want them to have access to on the favorites bar and then locked out all the social media sites by editing the HOST file.