Tuesday, February 18, 2025 4:58:21 PM

Back and next buttons - Chrome

10 years ago
#1845 Quote
I'm trying to get back button to my touch screen tablet kiosk. I'm using Inteset Secure Lockdown v2 Chrome Edition trial version and I will buy it if I get this working.

If I put it into kiosk mode, then I don't have the button, and If I run it normally I get it, but there is address bar visible. In perfect situation I would have the tablet in Kiosk mode with only back button visible.

The main issue without back button is that I have whitelisted one page that has couple of links in it. (facebook, twitter etc.) If I click the link I will get stuck on blocked page.

Maybe I'm just dumb and the solution is simple, but I just can't figure it out :)

10 years ago
#1846 Quote
First, you can use the keyboard Back button to return to the previous page. Second, under the Secure Lockdown > Chrome Lockdown > Layout Options section if remove the Kiosk Mode option, and choose one or more of the other options under that tab. That may satisfy your goal with displaying the nav buttons. You will not be able to remove the Address box, but you can remove the "OmniSearch" ability (look under the "General Options" tab) and you can white-list only the sites you want available.
10 years ago
#1848 Quote
Thank you for quick reply! That didn't solve the case, but I manage to do what I wanted by switching to Firefox and using mKiosk and Secure Lockdown v2 without Chrome.

Only problem now is the lack of nice on-screen keyboard for Firefox...
10 years ago
#1849 Quote
I tried your On-Screen Keyboard Helper and it seems to be quite good. BUT I have one big problem still. Is it possible to somehow change the place of the toggle button?

It is located in top-left corner and is now blocking the back button I managed to add :)
10 years ago
#1850 Quote
Oh, sorry for the last post... It seem that I didn't read user guide well enough. There it says that you only need to drag it where you want it...
7 years ago
#4199 Quote
Sorry to drag out an old forum post....

Any updates to chrome to remove the address bar but leave navigation as an option?

I see there is a new compact navigation option in chome, really we just need navigation for those not happy with keyboard shortcuts in public kiosks. ;-)