Tuesday, February 18, 2025 5:58:31 PM

Kiosk Setup Issues

10 years ago
#1917 Quote
This seems so easy & the other questions on this forum rave about this product, I nust be nissing something rather big. If you can offer addtional information it would be userfull.

First I need a internet kiosk for a lunch room and people will look up  & print high confifentail information.  I do not want to keep anything files created by the user. They should not be able to save favorites or make any changes to the PC but, should have full access to the internet to use freely durring breaks and lunch hour.

1. I have set the computer up for automatic login, it works fine until I enable  Secure Lockdown, at that point I can no longer hold down the shift key to pull up the logon menu at boot.  

2. The user are still able to save fles to Documents, even though I have  NO LOCAL  DRIVES checked.

3. Browesr Reset - Close IE does not work

4. It is not clear to me if circle dock should work with Win7 and it seems to work ocaasionally. But, not dependable enough to pursue.

10 years ago
#1918 Quote
For issue 1., Secure Lockdown does not explicitly disable the Shift key on login functionality. We will need to investigate that  to determine its cause. Try disabling the "System Lockdown > Machine Level > No User Switching" option to see if that helps (assuming you have that enabled).

For issue 2., what program is being used to save documents?

For issue 3., please be sure you're using the latest release of Secure Lockdown - Multi Application Edition (there was an issue with this that was resolved). Also, if there is any kind of mouse movement or other user interaction during the reset time interval, the idle system timer will re-set and the browser will not be closed.

For issue 4., please try the following regarding Circle Dock and how to keep it in a fixed, always visible position:

1.  Go to the Circle Dock Settings, then choose the 'Toggling' section.
2.  From there, uncheck 'Screen Left Edge' and "Screen Right Edge' under the 'Show Dock When I...' section.
3.  Then under the 'Toggle Visibility Hotkey' section, choose 'None' under the dropdown list.
4.  You can also fix the Dock at its current location by going to the 'Location' settings and check the 'Lock dock at current position' option.
10 years ago
#1919 Quote
Thanks for the quick response.

For issue 1  - I am still having a problem either way.  I am working aroubd it by user remote desktop fron another computer.

Fior item 2  - I resolved this and the problem was me not cinfiguring for a specific user I was testing with.

For item 3 -  Used ntesetSecureLockdown_v2_MAE.exe  to install and I downloaded  5/1/14

For item 4 - I have skipped that feature for now and may come back to it later.

New issue -  I have found the user can save favorites in IE. Is there a way to disable this?  I need them to have 6 or 7 standard favorites so I do not want to turn off the favorite menu completely.  Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
10 years ago
#1920 Quote
Please be sure to download the latest release as there have been a few updates since the last time you downloaded the software. Regarding being able to add Favorites to the Favorites bar, this is a function that can not be removed as long as the Favorites bar is visible. If you're not stuck on using IE, Chrome has a "Chrome Lockdown > Layout Options > No Edit Bookmarks" feature that may accomplish your goal.
10 years ago
#1945 Quote
I have downloaded the Secure Lockdown ver. 2 IE for windows.  The website will not display. I receive a message "Content Advisor will not allow you to see this website -not have a rating. This website works before the lock down?