Friday, March 14, 2025 12:21:04 PM

Keyboard mapping settings are being removed from registry

13 years ago
#113 Quote
I have an application that requires certain function keys which are re-mapped on the keyboard.  Secure Lockdown is removing the registry entry for these settings.  How can I stop this from happening?

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout]
"Scancode Map"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,06,00,00,00,4A,00,42,00,41,E0,43,00,37,E0,44,00,46,00,57,00,1D,E1,58,00,00,00,00,00

Please help.
13 years ago
#115 Quote
We've made a change that will allow you to disable the key mapping that Secure Lockdown does so that you may be able to do your own. Download and install the latest Secure Lockdown install from our site (ver: 2.00.0015) and enter the following registry key in the Windows Registry:

DWORD key value "DisbaleKeyMapping = 1"
12 years ago
#564 Quote wrote:
We've made a change that will allow you to disable the key mapping that Secure Lockdown does so that you may be able to do your own. Download and install the latest Secure Lockdown install from our site (ver: 2.00.0015) and enter the following registry key in the Windows Registry:

DWORD key value "DisbaleKeyMapping = 1"

Is this still supposed to work in ver: 2.00.041? I am not having much luck remapping keys when secure lockdown is running.
12 years ago
#566 Quote
This feature is no longer supported, however, there is an option under the Secure Lockdown "Customizations" tab called "No Special Keys" that removes the disabling of the special keys described in the User Manual.