Friday, July 26, 2024 11:55:16 PM

Unlock Wi-Fi login?

12 years ago
#149 Quote
Is there a way to lockdown everything except my application AND Wi-Fi login?

I've purchased a license for testing, and it does a great job of everything - keeping my app fullscreen, etc, but we also need a way to enter WiFi login details for the users.

We might have something in app that launches the WiFi gui, is that possible?
12 years ago
#157 Quote
Is your appication custom? Can you build the WiFi login launcher into that app? The other option would be to use an app such as Circle Dock (application launcher) in conjuntion with Secure Lockdown that would allow the user to launch your app and the Login app. Circle Dock has a "Kiosk Mode" option as well that will help in keeping people from modifying its settings.