Tuesday, March 4, 2025 3:47:45 PM

Intermittent failure to respond to touches

6 years ago
#11583 Quote

I am using Inteset with a fullscreen WFP desktop application.
I have noticed some quirky behavior.  

1.  I set the application to be full screen from within the application.  If I tell Inteset to also use full screen, sometimes (but not always) the application appeared offset from the upper left corner or appeared almost entirely offscreen.  I solved this by setting the position of the application to 0,0 in the app itself and then left the Keep Maximized option unchecked.

2.  The second quirky behavior is that sometimes it comes up in a state where it is not responding to touch-only type inputs. For example, if the touch can be considered a mouse event, like a button click, it works okay.  If the touch is a multi-touch event, like TouchDown, ManipulationStarted, etc, etc, it doesn't get recognized.  This NEVER happens when the program runs outside of Inteset.  This problem appears as soon as the game starts up and is often solved with a reboot of the system.  I'd say it works properly 95% of the time.  But, 5% of the time, the application is completely unusable and the system has to be rebooted.

I have tried having "NO DESKTOP" set checked and unchecked, it still sometimes has the error.
6 years ago
#12362 Quote
Try disabling the Block System Keys feature. Learn more obout this option by refering to the Secure Lockdown Administrator Guide > Secure Lockdown Hidden Features > Disable Blocked System Keys option:

KEY: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Inteset\SecureLockdown_v2
NAME: DisableBlockKeys
DWORD Value: 1

6 years ago
#12383 Quote
I am running version 2.00.198.  Does that solution still apply?  The Administrator Guide says it's instructions are for version 2.00.203 and greater?

Is there a simple way to upgrade Secure Lockdown or do I need to de-authorize the current version.  Uninstall it and then install the latest version?
6 years ago
#12384 Quote
You can update the software by downloading from our website (go to the product page), or by using the Remote Management Services (free) - See Remote Management in the User Guide. You do not need to uninstall the previous release.
6 years ago
#12388 Quote
I did the upgrade to 2.00.204 successfully.
I changed the registry successfully.

It did not fix my problem, it made it much, much worse.  I could consistently demonstrate after several restarts that a touch/drag operation that always works without inteset, would not work the first time it was tried when inteset was turned on.    And, after a few restarts, the sound stopped working.  Fortunately, I had created a restore point before editing the registry and was able to get my system back to a working state.

My client is really upset that the programs in the museum are not working properly.

Please tell me how to fix it as soon as possible.
6 years ago
#12393 Quote
So the System Lockdown > Local Level > No Desktop option is unchecked? Also, the Disable Blocked Keys feature simply removes the functionality of Secure Lockdown to block certain system keys from executing. Disabling the feature should not cause any issues (it may only cure some). It's not clear what is causing this issue. If you'd like to send a unit to us we could analyze it in our lab. This is a free service (other than shipping costs) and usually has very quick turnaround time.
6 years ago
#12406 Quote
Yes, the "no desktop" option was unchecked.

I did the registry change per your suggestion.  I realize it is supposed to deal with the system keys per the admin guide, but the admin guide also says that suppressing the system keys sometimes interfered with touch behavior on Windows 7 devices.  Mine was running Windows 10 Pro, but it seemed like it was worth a shot.

Do you have any other suggestions before I take the step of sending the computer to you?  Also, if I do send the computer to you, do you have a touchscreen available or do I need to ship you the touchscreen as well?
6 years ago
#12407 Quote
Try updating the touch screen drivers.

Please ship the unit with the touch screen. If the issue is screen drivers, we'd need the screen you're using. When shipping the unit, please send the steps to reproduce the issue. You can ship it to:

Inteset Systems
51 Mill St
Bldg E, Suite 21A
Hanover, MA 02339
Attn: Tech Support