Tuesday, March 4, 2025 3:53:40 PM

The process exits right after it starts

6 years ago
#12026 Quote
The process exits right after it starts

" It is likely that your Master Application is an app launching mechanism,
This type of Master Application can not be monitored (the Secure
Lockdown ‘Kepp Running’ feature will not work). Consider adding the
Process you want to monitor to the Secure Lockdown ‘Process Name’
Field. Secure Lockdown will no longer monitor the Master Application
(Name of application) "

This is the first time this pops up. I used your program on about 60 devices, with same installations. Why would this randomly popup? Is there something I'm missing?

Tomas Marusic
Cryoniq s.r.o.
6 years ago
#12387 Quote
Please see the following section in the Secure Lockdown Administrator Guide:
Hidden Secure Lockdown Features > Master Process Exit Delay