Friday, March 14, 2025 9:10:19 AM

32-bit IE on 64-bit Windows 7

13 years ago
#169 Quote
I've installed Secure Lockdown v2 - Internet Explorer Edition on a 64-bit Windows 7 box. Internet Explorer 9 is installed as well. Is there a way I can tell Secure Lockdown to bring up the 32-bit Windows Explorer?
13 years ago
#170 Quote
Currently this is not supported. May we ask why you'd need to do this?
13 years ago
#171 Quote
I was trying to work around an issue, but now I see my issue is independent of 32-bit or 64-bit systems.

I'm running Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 64-bit with Internet Explorer 9.0.2.
I have Secure Lockdown set for No navigation, Fixed bars/menus, No downloads, and No open dialog.
Going to, I see the button "Get Adobe Flash Player". Even though I have "No downloads" active, I can download and install the beta Flash Player for IE 64-bit. That can't be good.

(When I ran on a 32-bit Windows system, I didn't see the button because Flash Player was already installed. When I uninstalled it, I find I can still do a download from dispite the Secure Lockdown setting.)
13 years ago
#172 Quote
Thanks for the feedback. We will look into the download issue and get back to you.
13 years ago
#173 Quote
This issue has been resolved. The latest version on our site for download has the fix. Thak you for bringing this to our attention.